Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León 应用

CartoDruid - GIS offline tool 0.60.16
CartoDruid is a GIS application developed by Instituto TecnológicoAgrario de Castilla y León (ITACyL) thought as a tool to supportthe fieldwork aiming to solve the problem of disconnected editingof georeferenced information. In many field areas, mobile coverageis insufficient to work in a reliable way. CartoDruid provides asolution to this problem allowing the visualization on raster andvectorial layers stored on the device and allowing the creation ofnew geometries (entities), drawing them directly on the screen orusing embeded or external GPS. CartoDruid doesn't requiere previousGIS (Geographic Information Systems) knowledge and it's easy toconfigure and use. This allows any person to use it to managefieldwork information and then export generated data to use them inexternal applications. What can CartoDruid do?: - Visualize onlineGoogle Maps. - Use vectorial cartography loaded on a SpatiaLitedatabase. - USe rasterimaginery loaded on a RasterLite database. -Consume online WMS services. - Create new layers on the device. -Configure filtering on vectorial layers to determine visiblegeometries based on their attributes. - Configure symbologies andlabels based on SQL expressions (easily). - Configure searches onlayers using SQL queries. - Configure identification forms based onSQL queries. - Edit the attributes of a geometry. - Manually drawgeometries: points, lines and polygons. - Draw and edit geometriesbased on GPS data. - Edit geometries using several useful tools:split using polyline, circular split, merge geometries, multipartexplosion. Graphically move existing vertices of geometries. -Create new geometries intersecting layers. - Automatically savegeorreferenced data: creating and update dates and others. -Associate pictures to entities. - SIGPAC search based on existingdownloaded data. - Length and area measurement tools, defining themeasurement units. - Guided and line based navigation to help theuser reach her destination. - Manage bookmarks. - Import vectorialdata using CSV files. - Import SpatiaLite databases. - Exportseveral formats: SQLite, KML and CSV. - TOC (Table of Contents)management: sorting, symbologies, hierarchical sorting (folders). -Works with SHP (ESRI ShapeFile) as an exprimental feature. -Controlling the operations that can be performed on a layer viaconfiguration (overlaps. move vertices. delete entities,identification and edition, ...) Go visit to seethe complete list, download examples and learn how to start!
InfoRiego 1.1.1
Recommendation tool for crop irrigation Castile and Leon